Thursday, December 27, 2018

The DANGER of Superbugs (how to protect yourself)

The DANGER of Superbugs (how to protect yourself)

Viruses can do a LOT of damage.

But until now, they’ve been treated with antiviral medications.

That’s all changing, though... because of something called “Superbugs.”

What are Superbugs?

They are quite simply viruses and pathogens which CANNOT be killed by ANY known medication.

Imagine getting an infection for which NOTHING — no drug, no herb, no known treatment — can help you.

It’s basically a death sentence.

Researchers at the University of Melbourne discovered three variants of the multidrug-resistant bug
in samples from 10 countries, including strains in Europe.

Now, the World Health Organization is warning us about antibiotic overuse sparking new strains of killer,
drug-resistant bacteria.

Bottom line: Superbugs are a big, scary problem.

You can read more about them — and the ONLY sensible solution for them on this page:

“Navy SEAL Nutrient” Fights Belly Bugs and Burns Fat

Your body is under constant attack.

Viruses, parasites, all sorts of bad bacteria... gang up and poison your gut.

And since your gut health controls your immune system and metabolism—these “bad guys” can literally
make you sick and fat.

Luckily there’s a new kid on the block:

This breakthrough nutrient THE best way to defeat the dangerous pathogens who cause
gas, bloating, weight gain, and chronic fatigue.

Just like Navy SEALs, this nutrient is so powerful at defending your body... it’s protected by an elite patent.

There’s nothing else like it.

Do NOT attempt another diet without having this nutrient in your tummy.

It changes the game.

P.S.—The #1 reason anyone fails on any diet is cravings. But this nutrient literally gobbles up sugar
before it gets converted into fat, or sends you into an uncontrollable cravings binge.

The shocking truth about probiotics

Probiotics are good for you, right?

We’ve all been told that they are good for you but, are they really?

And are you actually getting  your money’s worth?

Some shocking data is coming out of modern gut tests.

According to Viome, the gut-testing company... 99% (or more) of commercial probiotic supplements
don’t show up in your gut.

You heard that correctly, virtually every probiotic is a waste of money despite what you’ve heard in the media.

Don’t take another probiotic until you read this:

==> Click here to learn the truth about probiotics

You’ll also discover 3 critical factors for choosing the BEST probiotic that actually work.

And you’ll finally know the most important fact to consider when picking your next probiotic
(hint: it’s not just probiotic count and it’s NOT the “number of strains”)

The shocking truth about probiotics

The 3 Biggest Lies Probiotic Companies Don’t Want You To Know

If someone were to ask you about how you take care your digestive health, would you be considered
a bank robber or a savvy investor?

You see, there are two kinds of people when it comes to proper digestive health;

  1. The person who wants the temporary ‘quick fix’
  2. The person who wants to make a long term change

These two people can be compared to as either a  bank robber or a savvy investor.

They both end up with money, but the way they do it are REALLY different and, the bank robber rarely
gets to keep hs money.

Here’s how this analogy is broken down when related to gut health.

The ‘bank robber’ is the person taking metamucil or over the counter fiber products and other digestive
quick aids. Sure, the products might get the job done temporarily but they do not fix the root cause
of the ongoing issue. And there are consequences for your actions even if you get what you want.

The ‘savvy investor’ is the person who does his homework, understands the long term planning,
and takes the time to learn and educate themselves and accomplishes  the same goal of wealth
(in our case, ultimate gut health), but does so ethically, legally and without consequence.

So which one are you?

If you consider yourself to be the savvy investor then please listen up:

Probiotics are SO important for many reasons but yet not enough people know the truth about probiotics
because there is just too much information being presented in advertisements.

It might seem impossible to filter through all the information.

That’s why I encourage you to join in on a webinar presentation by an expert in the digestive
health industry, Wade T. Lightheart.

He’ll be presenting on The Truth About Probiotics Webinar happening TOMORROW at 8PM EST / 5PM PST.